Greetings from the University of A Coruña!
It is a pleasure for the University of A Coruña to invite you to participate in our International Week that will be organized from 27th to 31st March 2023.
The aim of the event is to expand on global issues, experience intercultural diversity and sample different ways of teaching and HEI management from around the world. Also to prepare staff and students to become global citizens empowered with international knowledge and skills. Experts and international authorities will certainly provide compelling insights into their areas of expertise. All participants will have the opportunity to discuss future collaboration and joint projects with host colleagues.
The main topics for discussion will involve
- Transnational cooperation discussion
- UDC as a capacity-building HEI
- Dual degrees
- Training for Internationalisation at Home and abroad
- Intercultural skills
- EU policy for HEIs
If you are interested please check all the information and the program in the link below:
Best regards,