About Erasmus+

The Erasmus+ programme for higher education fosters international collaboration among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), enabling students and staff to engage in international mobility and strategic projects. It consists of two main actions:

ACTION 1: Learning Mobility

This action supports both physical and blended mobility for higher education students across all fields and study cycles, as well as for academic and administrative staff of HEIs.

ACTION 2: Cooperation among HEIs for Innovation and Good Practice Exchange

“Collaborative partnerships” under this action involve international projects aimed at developing, transferring, and implementing innovative practices. These initiatives promote cooperation, peer learning, and the exchange of experiences at the European level. The goal is to modernize university curricula, better align education with societal and economic needs, and improve education quality.


Key activities within the higher education sector are managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels. Support for projects in higher education is available for:

  • Erasmus Mundus actions
  • Innovation Alliances
  • Jean Monnet activities

For more details, visit https://erasmusplus.org.pl/.


  • Mobility Types for Students:
    • Long-term physical mobility for study or internships: 2 to 12 months
    • Short-term physical or blended mobility for students and doctoral candidates for study or internship: 5 to 30 days
  • Graduate Mobility:
    • Graduates are eligible for internships within 12 months post-graduation.
  • Mobility Capital:
    • Each student has a 12-month “mobility capital” in each study cycle (bachelor's, master's, doctoral) or 24 months for one-cycle master’s degree studies, regardless of mobility type (study or internship)


  • Recruitment of candidates takes place at individual faculties in the academic year preceding the mobility. Applications are submitted via the USOSweb system;
  • Read the faculty recruitment rules;
  • Travel to the University with which the faculty cooperates. List of agreements available on faculty websites;
  • For details, reach out to your faculty Erasmus+ coordinator or administrator.


  • Primary Criteria: Proficiency in the foreign language required by the host institution, as specified in the inter-institutional agreement.
  • Other Considerations: Student activity, motivation, reasons for selecting the university, and grade point average are commonly evaluated by faculties

Erasmus in figures

Over the 25 years of the Erasmus+ programme, more than 17,000 students and staff from AMU have taken part in mobility opportunities. Of these, over 14,000 mobilities were for students, either for studies or internships, while more than 2,500 academic and administrative staff also participated. The total funding allocated for these mobility programmes reached nearly EUR 14 million. Additionally, AMU successfully established collaborations with over 400 foreign universities, and during this time, the university has hosted more than 5,000 international students.

  • 17000 staff and student mobility
  • 5000 International students at AMU

Erasmus+ in figures